Beshear Addresses Resumption of Fall Sports


For one of the few times since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the state of Kentucky in March, Governor Andy Beshear weighed in on the possibility of having fall sports.

At his Wednesday briefing, the governor said it’s still too early to know when fall sports will begin at the high school and college level.  He did say one positive in returning is that the younger population reacts better to the coronavirus and seems more likely to ward off the symptoms.  No one under the age of 30 has died of COVID-19 in the state to date.

Beshear said the state is working to come up with a plan for schools to have individual workouts and team practices without having contact.  Soccer and football coaches have been keeping an eye out for what recommendations are indeed made for their sports. The governor said no to expect any type of contact scrimmages during the summer.

The governor didn’t seem to be referring specifically to high school or college sports, citing examples of both in coming up with a return plan.  He said the biggest challenge to allowing large crowds at sporting events this fall will be doing so without a vaccine for COVID-19.

The governor did say the situation continues to be fluid and can change in a matter of time.

High schools in Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia have all released plans to begin or announced future plans to begin summer workouts.

Here are the full comments from Governor Beshear Wednesday on fall sports.


HERE are the comments from KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett about social distancing and playing high school sports in front of partial crowds this fall.